Why ISO 9001 is a mark of quality

ISO 9001 status is a great achievement for any manufacturing company.  It is awarded to companies who provide an excellent service in relation to;  manufacturing, delivery, attitude, accuracy, customer satisfaction and a commitment to good quality.  The status is renewed annually by auditors who assess a company’s ability to reach the exacting standards of IS 9001.  

Achieving ISO 9001 status is beneficial to companies in two ways.  First of all, it provides a comprehensive framework which enables companies to work at optimum levels,  Secondly, customers are more likely to purchase equipment from a company with ISO 9001 status because it guarantees an excellent quality of service.

In order to achieve ISO 9001 status companies have to complete a five-step process. The steps include; preparation, documentation, implementation, Internal audit and certification.  Achieving ISO 9001 status is a continual process as companies have to be audited once or twice a year in order to keep their certification current. 

What Does ISO 9001 Status Involve?

There are many benefits to having ISO 9001 status including; independent proof that your company provides good quality products, high efficiency, staff engagement, clear goals, good staff morale, efficient problem solving, good company image and customer satisfaction.  ISO 9001 status is a globally recognised certification making it possible for companies to compete in a worldwide market.

A lot of hard work and dedication goes into achieving ISO 9001 status.  Systems and processes are at the core of the award and relate to both manufacturing and administrative tasks.  Every single member of the team is involved in implementing and carrying out the necessary tasks in order to become certified.  Companies follow a five-step process which is repeated annually or biannually. This means that a company’s ISO 9001 status is current and up to date.

Achieving ISO 9001 staus is a five-step process resulting in a globally recognised accreditation.  The first step involves preparing how your company is going to approach the qualification. This stage requires you to outline your objectives and how you propose to achieve them. There are many documents and tools available to help companies to identify and set the right objectives.

The second step requires companies to write the quality policy, procedures and other relevant documents.  This stage is considered to be the most complex and time-consuming because it involves understanding, interpreting and applying the technical requirements to individual companies.  Enlisting the help of an ISO 9001 consultant ensures that this part of the process is completed correctly and accurately.

The third step involves the implementation of the documentation.  It is important to do this carefully as it involves informing staff how the new systems work.  This is most likely to be successful if your processes are easy to follow and don’t involve unnecessary paperwork. Experts advise starting with document control because its benefits are quick to see.  Staff are most likely to learn quickly and follow procedures if they are actually fit for purpose.

Step four involves an internal audit which can be carried by a trained member of the company or a subcontractor.  Some companies have a number of staff members who are ISO 9001 trained. This is beneficial for the company as it allows staff to share good practice and troubleshoot any issues. Audits take place until there are a minute number of changes that need to be made.  

Once this has been achieved it is time to apply for your certification.  In order to do this, you need to collect two months worth of ISO 9001 documentation and have completed your internal audit. An ISO 9001 registrar needs to be appointed by your company and they will select an external auditor to assess your company. It is vital to research your ISO 9001 consultancy company well in order to find one that fits in with the aims of your company.

If you would like to find out more about our ISO 9001 status contact us and we would be happy to discuss it with you.